Anti-social media
7:37 am
I have over 500 facebook friends and over 300 instagram followers but the truth is that I can't count 10 people who are my friends - true friends not acquaintances or frenemies. During this past christmas holidays, I stumbled upon on of my facebook friends who also happens to be related to me somehow and I smiled at him (unto we are friends) but my guy ignored me, in fact on the first occasion he walked pass, the second time, he drove off. And I was stunned, this guy likes most if not all of my uploads, shouldn't he at least have acknowledged me if not for any reason, for the very fact that we are related?
This incident got me thinking, a lot of us have a thousand and one friends on facebook and a million followers on twitter and instagram, but in life we have no friends. We make it a duty to greet our facebook family and instagram family everyday, but we have no real friends to greet. This platforms are collectively called social media but the truth is that they have made us antisocial. A group of friends decide to hangout and all they do is chat with people online while sitting beside people that they have not even greeted. In fact there was an incident where I was sitting close to one of my "friends'' and instead of telling me that she wanted to go, she sent me a whatsapp message that she was going and I was like - why she no kukuma open mouth tell me?
Social media has given people opportunities to live fake lives and others opportunities to believe in illusions and even want to live illusions. We become instafamous but in reality we are lonely. And the truth is that when the chips are down, we would need real friends to lean on.
In this new year, resolve to make real friends, create a family, get to know your real family well and create a network of friends so strong, then social media will be an avenue to keep in touch with family and friends that are not always around.
Social media has given people opportunities to live fake lives and others opportunities to believe in illusions and even want to live illusions. We become instafamous but in reality we are lonely. And the truth is that when the chips are down, we would need real friends to lean on.
In this new year, resolve to make real friends, create a family, get to know your real family well and create a network of friends so strong, then social media will be an avenue to keep in touch with family and friends that are not always around.