2:12 am

   Everyone wants to be perfect. Either perfect at something or just generally perfect. We want to have the best there is to have - clothes, shoes, houses, relationships and even children. We all want to be admired, to be looked upon with envy. We want to be 'it', to be invited to all the cool parties and stuff, to have everyone turn in awe when we enter a room, in fact, we want the universe to turn as we please.

   In the quest to attain this feat, we turn those whom we feel already did into god's. Mimicking their every move and literally worshipping the sand on which the step on. The problem with this is that all of this people who we think have everything going for them actually do not. 
   The girls want to be like those they see on TV and instagram so the go through insane measures in other to feel that they belong. Living false lives and destroying their bodies in order to get attention. The guys get into shady businesses in order to make money and feel great.

   There is a popular saying that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so let me put it this way, perfection is a matter of perspective. You are special in your own way, all you have to do is believe in yourself and LOVE YOURSELF THE WAY YOU ARE. You do not expect others to love you if you can't love yourself.

   Try new ways to better yourself, make yourself useful to yourself and to those around you. Be compassionate, forgive, give, help others. Make yourself a blessing. Find out new things about you that makes you unique - like that noisy laughter you have that makes you sound like a pig, or the fact that when you fart it smells like a sewage pit just broke (you need to think about flushing your stomach if that's your case. But hey some people are in the hospital because they can't fart), that little dimple on your face that comes out when you smile, whatever it is.

   Trust me, you must have heard this a million times but there actually is someone out there praying to be like you or have what you have. But the most important thing is to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and life. God alone is perfect. You know what happens when you accept Christ? You have peace, you learn to love yourself, to stop being hard on yourself, to accept yourself for who you are not what you think you should be, to forget all the mistakes of the past and focus on becoming better.

   Also, He gives you the spirit of excellence, excellence remember, not perfection. Because that's how He can be glorified in you and draw people to Himself through you. Excellence. The fact that Christ felt you were too dear to Him to spend eternity in hell and so endured a humiliating and shameful death on the cross to save you should be more than enough.

   Remember, even in your imperfections, God saw you and said you are very good, that you are perfect for the plan He has for you. (Gen. 1:31). Because, He made us He knew and still knows that we can't be perfect so He gave us the gift of His spirit and of Grace. His spirit to teach us all things and Grace to help in time of need.

   So my dear, stop trying to be perfect, no human can and besides I think it's kinda overrated. I'll rather you be perfectly imperfect just the way God wants you to be. From a fellow imperfect being, peace.

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